Sunday, January 30, 2011

how many times can we say poop?

This weekend, Brandon was out of town for a district youth event and so the boys and I signed ourselves up for a family class at the zoo! The class was called "Pooper Bowl Party" and by the name and pictures below I'm guessing you can tell what we learned about! Ha!! That's right, we learned about all things POOP!!!! The perfect class for two little boys!! When we first arrived in class all the kids were able to explore many different sizes, shapes and colors of poop. It's pretend poop of course but it sure looked real!! In fact, it took some convincing for me to get the boys to touch it and Maddox never would let me take his picture with the realistic looking poo...

Once class got started, the teacher read the class a book called "Everyone Poops"!! It was funny to watch all the kids listening to the story because every single time the teacher said "poop" all the kids would giggle!!

Then we went out into the zoo to search for animal poop! We found flamingo poop, monkey poop, donkey poop, pig poop and all sorts of different poops! There was one moment during our poop hunt that I had to hold back my laughter when we were approaching the flamingo cage and the teacher yelled out over her shoulder "Oh kids! This is the gold mine of poop!" She was so excited!! Ha!!

Then we went back to the classroom to play a game. Each kid was given a (pretend) buffalo patty and we went into the back yard of the education building to play "Buffalo Patty Bullseye" Ashtyn actually tied another boy for first place in this game!!

Next, we went back into the classroom and learned about owl poop. This part of the class was pretty cool!! The teacher explained that because owls eat mice whole they have to somehow digest the bones and fur. I know it's actually really gross but we learned that owls can't digest the bones and fur they actually regergitate them in what the zoo keepers call "owl balls". It's like a hair ball of mouse fur and bones all wadded into a golf ball size mass. It was nasty but kinda neat. The teacher passed out trays and tongs to each student and then gave them each three owl balls. We were then told we could disect them and see what we could find. I'll admit, at that moment, I was wishing Brandon was there but I sucked it up for my boys and dug right in. The tongs did us basically no good and so we ended up using our fingers to tear into the hair balls. We did find a variety of bones and claws and Ashtyn actually found an intact mouse skull!! It even had a tooth attached!! Cool in a creepy sort of way...

Last but not least, we played one more game where the kids had to pretend to be dung beetles and push their "dung" relay race style across the yard! It was boys v. girls and even though the boys won the teacher called it a tie because the boys sorta used their hands instead of only their heads...

The boys and I had alot of fun at the "Pooper Bowl Party"!! We wish daddy could have been there but it was a fun activity and the weather was perfect too!! Now we're headed home to bunker down for the winter weather headed our way...


Tiffany said...

That looks like fun! Too bad they wernt made out of milk chocolate LOL

K.Groves said...

That is super cool!!