Sunday, February 27, 2011

closets and stencils and artwork...OH MY!!!!

Spring-Project-Palooza continues at the Knight home!!!! As you know, we started a project last weekend where we were closing in the coat closet in the living room and using that space to make the closet in our master bedroom a bit bigger. Well, this weekend Brandon was able to finish closing in the gaping hole in the wall in the living room and paint it to match the existing wall!! It looks SO good!! You can't even tell there used to be a door there!! And, I know it sounds crazy because it's just one wall, but it almost makes the living room feel a bit bigger! I guess it's just because that one wall seems so huge now!
The living room may finally look more normal but now our bedroom looks even worse. I know we're making progress and so that makes me happy but as much as I love doing home projects I truly hate living in them during the whole process. Ugh. Currently, nearly every single piece of clothing we own is stacked in piles all around the master bedroom while Brandon opens up the wall where the old coat closet was so that we have more storage space! As much as I dislike the chaos of it all I am so excited to see (and use) the finished product! I'm already thinking of the new ways I'm going to organize everything once it's complete!!!! (I'm a nerd...I know...) back to the living room! In light of the new expanse of a wall over the sofa I decided to tackle some new artwork. We've had the same picture adorning the wall above our sofa since we were first married so it was long overdue for an upgrade. This go round I went to hobby lobby and purchsed three posters. Then I bought three canvases and am curently painting them a dark chocolate brown. Once that dries, I'll mod podge the posters onto the canvases and hang them up! If you know me then you know how much I love to mod podge so this is right up my alley! I can't wait to see it all put together and, once it is, I'll show you too.

I also got a new rug this weekend to put in the living room!! We haven't put it out yet because I'm waiting until we're finished painting and everything but it's so hard to leave it rolled up. I have to look at it everyday while our old rug is still underfoot. The suspense is killing me!!

Another project on our spring cleaning list was to stencil on one accent wall in the master bedroom. This is something I've wanted to do since we moved in and I finally took the plunge and did it! I have to admit that I was very nervous! I've never stenciled on such a large scale before and an entire wall isn't something I wanted to mess up. I worked up the courage, though, and jumped right in! It was scary but I think it turned out pretty good! Now, if you ever visit don't look too closely because I did make a few mistakes but overall I think it's really pretty. Plus, I tend to subscribe to the theory that a little bit of imperfection in home design makes it just that much more perfect.

While our spring cleaning list may be slowly shortening, there's still TONS to do. Don't get me wrong, though, I love nearly everything about spring cleaning! It makes me feel like we're starting over. It's refreshing and comforting and even relaxing in a way! The only bad part about my spring cleaning list is when the weekend is over and my list, and most of my projects, have to be put on hold until the next weekend rolls around. Sigh. What can I say, I just love working on my home and even more then that I love working on my home with Brandon! Crazy as it sounds we have fun doing this together!


Anonymous said...

awesome stencil wall the stencil... i see a wall in my future

remember on the pitcure to go slow starting in the middle....i think it looks okay for occasional tear to avoid bubbles,,i sometimes use a credit card to smooth out from center

Depending on the print..i sometomes use drywall mud and lightly scrape some over some of the edges--like screen in laundry room you...I am proud of my bubby

Erika said...

Glenda! Thanks for the advice! I did the posters before I read this though and I ended up with quite a few bubbles. I think it looks kinda cool though, it almost makes them look sorta old. Anyway, now i know for next time! Now I'm excited to attempt staining the bathroom vanity...maybe this weekend...

Grma Pennie said...

The stenciling is spectagular.
You are truly a brave woman!