Tuesday, June 4, 2013

what happens at auntie's house...

Every year the local amusement park, Frontier City, hosts Christian Fun Day and naturally youth groups from around the state attend. My sister's youth group went this year and so while they enjoyed the rides and junk food we watched Noah at our house! We only had him with us for a few hours but we jam packed a lot into our afternoon. We played outside...(it was kind of rainy)

and that obviously wore Noah out because then he took a power nap! There's nothing better than cuddling with a sleeping baby. I love it when their binkies fall out of their mouths too. That's when you KNOW that they're REALLY OUT!!!!

After a short nap Noah was beyond ready for some more play time! We don't have many baby toys left around our house (actually none...) so we had to make due. Once Noah was done playing with pretty much everything we had (which didn't take long AT ALL...) we resorted to doing things that may not be within mommies "rules" but most definitely kept everyone entertained! Namely, stacking and knocking over toys and throwing toys across the living room!!!! I'm pretty sure in the few short hours Noah was at our house we "un-did" every good behavior Noah's mom and dad had put in place and possibly even taught him a few new things that once he gets home won't be so hilarious...oops!

I think it's pretty obvious that Noah and Maddox make quite the dynamic duo! They both want the room's full attention, they both want to make others laugh and they both want to laugh at others in return. So once they get going it's a vicious cycle of laughter and outdoing each other. Sure we're still finding large puzzle pieces under any and every piece of furniture in our house but it sure was a fun afternoon and it kept Noah (and Maddox...) entertained. (I still can't watch this video without cracking up! Noah's laugh is contagious!)

Before Rae came to pick up Noah I think we had pretty well worn him out. We sure had fun doing it though!


eliarae said...

Love that last pic!!

eliarae said...

Love that last pic!!