After we dropped Ashtyn off at school this afternoon Maddox and I made a trip to Target!! Sometimes we like to go there and just walk around, often with a Starbucks and juice in hand. Maddox likes to look at Star Wars toys (right now he's making his list for Santa...) and I, of course, like to look at clothes and home decor!! On today's field trip, I convinced Maddox to try on this funny furry winter hat!! I thought this look was perfect for him but Maddox said it "tickled" his eyes! Ha!! On another note, we had both the boys first parent/teacher conferences of the year tonight. First, we went to Maddox's. Maddox is doing very well! He knows all his colors, numbers and most of the letters and shapes that they require him to learn at this point in the year. His teacher also said that Maddox is very respectful, he plays well with otheres and follows directions very well! I'm not trying to be negative AT ALL but I have to admit that sitting there listening to Maddox's teacher talk I almost wanted to say "are you sure you're looking at the right progress report?" I mean, don't get me wrong, Maddox is a great kid and we love him very very much but he tends to have more disobedient and temper tantrum moments at home and here was his teacher talking about him as if he was a little angel sent from heaven to bring love and joy to her classroom!! I guess all kids are more well behaved for others then they are for their own parents and even though I was surprised at how well mannered Mrs. Johnson said Maddox is it was certainly a pleasant surprise! We're very proud of Maddox and excited that he is doing so well in Pre-K. Next, we went to Ashtyn's conference. Considering Ash is repeating kindergarten this year I was kind of nervous to hear from his teacher how he is doing. I was just hoping that all the reviewing and practicing we have done has paid off, and guess what....IT HAS!!!! Ash was above average on all of the benchmarks they expect the children to meet at this time of year and his teacher, too, said that Ashtyn is very respectful and that "we have a great kid on our hands!" The only thing Ashtyn needs to work on is that he talks too much! Again, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. At home, Ash is our quiet kid but at school apparently he is coming out of his shell! I have to admit that I'm glad he's making friends but kind of had to laugh when I heard that he can be TOO social! Weird. I kind of wondered to myself, the more I thought about it, if Ash talks so much at school maybe it's because at home he can't get a word in edgewise with Maddox as a little brother! Ha! Anyway, we couldn't be happier with how our boys are doing in school! We are especially proud that they are both very well behaved, respectful, follow direction well and both LOVE school!! Now I can take a deep breath...of relief!!!!
ah, so proud of you both!!!!! Who would have thought..Ash talking too much.....Maddox's teacher is in love with him....way to go boys! Love Noni
Parenthood is an amazing journey! Almost nothing turns out like YOU think is will. For some reason God has a sense of humor that takes us by surprise!
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