Sunday, October 24, 2010

a huge leap!!

Do not adjust your computer not refresh your internet page...your eyes are not deceiving you...Ashtyn IS EATING AN APPLE!!!!!!! When we were preparing to leave for Convergence in Tulsa we were at the District Office and Robin had an apple sitting on her desk. Ashtyn asked if he could have it. Robin said yes and then Ash spent the next 10 minutes carrying around the apple and even smelling it! He kept saying that the apple smelled good and so I saw a possible opportunity. Every now and then I would ask Ash if he wanted to try the apple. He, of course, would say no so I would just continue with the work I was doing and not pay him any special attention about the apple. I knew he was curious, though, and so I was secretly keeping my fingers crossed. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Ashtyn took a bite out of the apple!!!!!!! Needless to say, I was in complete SHOCK!!!!!!! As most of you know, Ash is the pickiest eater on the planet. His diet consists mostly of chicken nuggets, crackers, yogurt, toast and bacon with a few exceptions here and there. He hasn't eaten a fruit or veggie since he was a toddler!!!!!!!! I was so excited and so proud of him that I probably made way too big a deal out of his apple eating but it was just so cool and so unexpected!!!!!!!! Now, I'm sure that Ashtyn's diet won't suddenly change and apples probably won't become his all time favorite food overnight but it's a small step and I'll take it!! Until you've had a picky eater you have no idea what a battle it can be day in and day out so any progress is a huge success!! At least now maybe Ash will realize that other foods aren't so scary and hopefully will be open to trying even more things....over time, of course.