Monday, October 18, 2010

inside outside

You greeted me with a smile...I smiled back
It's hard to believe you're actually sick
You still giggle, still run, still bat your big eyes
Sometimes it's so hard not to ask why
God is using you and you don't even know it
We're all so scared but try not to show it
You gave me a hug and my heart lept to my throat
Tears filled my eyes, shaking, nearly choked
I watched you be you, teaching me so much
Why don't I have faith like yours? With peace in God's love?
I laugh when you laugh but then reality sets in
I'm scared. You can't go. We need you to live.
Life doesn't make sense, I search for an answer
Some days are good but no moment passes without fear
Today's visit was too short, I wanted to stay
You were tired, though, worn from the fray
Before I walked out you squeezed me tight and surprised me with one last treat
A song you sing, you sang it, written especially for me!
My joy was bursting from me in a laugh and a smile
Your grin, that look, your eyes will get us through this trial
I love you little man, more then you know
Everyday I'm pleading, crying out and believing for God's healing power to show


Grma Pennie said...

Thank you for using your God-given talents to express how all of us feel. I know that his piece is very personal for you but we all feel the lessons being learned.

Grma Pennie said...

I re-read my first post and noticed that I spelled "his" instead of "this". It makes more sense with the correct word!