Wednesday, October 27, 2010

why not!?!?, this is far from anything I usually let my boys do but in light of Grayson's recent cancer diagnosis some of the "rules" around our house have become a little more relaxed. Not all the time, so don't judge, but suddenly there doesn't seem much harm in letting your kids rough house a bit more, jump on the sofa cushions or initiate a water fight in the shower whether it gets water all over the bathroom floor or not!! Not to mention the fact that today I don't feel very well (stupid allergies...) and so wasn't in the mood to choose this as a battle worth fighting. Plus, I got some really good laughs out of the boys active play!! Hope you do too!!

If THAT didn't make you laugh then THIS most certainly will!!!! (He's fine by the way...)

Life with boys never ceases to surprise me!! Boys really do think of things to do that most people would never even consider!! It definitely keeps me on my say the least!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Might be the $10,000 winner! By the way Maddox, like the undies! I love you, noni