I'm searching
Each morning pages turn, I read
I'm searching
Song after song, where are the words I need
I'm searching
Desperation grows deep inside
I'm searching
Beneath your wings I want to hide
I'm searching
I think you answered but I can't be sure
I'm searching
Do you hear me or have you closed the door?
I'm searching
Some days are harder then the rest
I'm searching
Oh ye of little faith, is this a test?
I'm searching
I want to grow but I need you to hold my hand
I'm searching
Body tired, mind swirling, can't stand
I'm searching
Why are you silent? Or is it me?
I'm searching
So many believing, when will you answer? What will it be?
I'm searching
I feel I'm failing, I need to hear your voice
I'm searching
Another path seems easier but my heart says you're the source
I'm searching
Still searching
The words are there, in black and white, but I don't want to hear
Stop. Just wait. Live by faith, you say. But what about my fear?
Will you take it? Or is it part of my lesson too?
Inside I know the answers but I want to hear directly from you
You're quiet though, and still, I don't understand
Shouldn't you be frantic too? Yourself desperate to touch with your healing hand?
Your ways are higher and you repeat the lesson I can't seem to learn
You whisper, so gentle "Just wait child, it's not his turn"
So many questions, I don't want to sit still
But what choice do I have? I truly do hope for your will
I'm searching
Baby girl..what annointing God has placed in your writing...you ask the qestion we all ask....
Have I ever told you the story about the little sparrow at Aunt Teresa's house in Texas?
Be still and rest.
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