Tuesday, November 16, 2010

(wo)man's best friend

Let me introduce you to...CHARLIE!!!! Yesterday, Noni and I decided it would be fun to take the boys to the local animal shelter "just to look" at all the cats and dogs. Well, I think it's obvious how that "just looking" visit turned out. I think we must have looked like fresh blood in the water because it didn't take long for the shelter worker to usher us straight to the puppies!!!! All it took was one cock-eyed glance from this little guy and we were all in love...me included!!!! We tried to walk away and even took another older dog out of his cage to see if we could bond with him but we just couldn't get the puppy out of our minds. Within a couple hours daddy was stopping by the shelter and we were filling out paperwork to adopt our new little friend. Charlie has been in our home for just over 24 hours now and he's so much fun. We're currently trying to kennel train him, potty train him, and all the other "trainings" that a puppy needs! Ha!!!! I have noticed, though, that while we were trying to adopt a friend for the boys (mainly Maddox) I think I'm the one who got a new best friend. This little puppy loves me. He follows me everywhere I go, sat on the kitchen rug tonight and literally watched me the entire time I made dinner and, as you can see, even laid out in the dirty laundry basket while I switched laundry. He's my new shadow! He's so cute though! Even the garbage man rolled down his window this morning when I was walking him and commented on how cute he was! Welcome to the family Charlie!!!!


Rae said...

Very cute! Elia can't wait to meet him! However, she is not happy that his name is not one of the names you originally said..she says you should have just named him ALL of the names..lol. Ucka you got some splainin to do..haha

Grma Pennie said...

He Is Sooooo Cute! I cannot wait to snuggle with him. And I'm glad that YOU bonded with Charlie ... cuz I can tell you from first hand experience ... he will become YOUR dog.

Erika said...

Mom...I think he already has. It took like an hour and he was already crying when I walked out of the room. You go in looking for a friend for Maddox and come out with a shadow! Ha!

Tiffany said...

ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!! He is adorable and looks like he is already spoiled.

Tiffany said...

ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!! He is adorable and looks like he is already spoiled.