Sunday, January 30, 2011

boba maddox

Well, if you've ever needed a visual of just what it's like to parent ya go!! Maddox LOVES Star Wars, LOVES dress up and is developing his very own unique sense of style!! If he had his way he would wear a Star Wars t-shirt every single day and so to detour him from doing just that I've resorted to getting him a variety of Star Wars themed socks and he mixes and matches them in many combinations and with many different outfits. In true form, Maddox came up with this sweet outfit the other day pairing a Boba Fet helmet, Boba Fet jet pack, two different Star Wars socks, a Bakugan t-shirt and (surprise! surprise!) no pants!! Sigh! I truly don't think there's a day that goes by that I don't laugh as a mom!!

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