Sunday, January 2, 2011

christmas protest

When we got home from Colorado we were all excited to see the fifth member of our family...Charlie!!!!! Maddox was especially happy to have Charlie back! Maddox would ask every single day in Colorado if it was time to pick up Charlie! I think they're best friends!
The sad part of coming home was taking down all the Christmas decorations. :( How is Christmas already over???? We even put our Christmas decor up really early this year and it still seemed like we had JUST put them up. The year just went by way too fast. Maddox was really upset when we took down the Christmas tree. REALLY!!!! As Brandon took apart the tree and began to box it up, Maddox attached himself to Brandon's leg and refused to let go. He DID NOT want that tree to go back into the attic. Poor guy.

We finally got all the decorations put away and the same day, as I was putting the boys to bed, the boys asked if we were putting up the pool!?!? I kinda chuckled and told them it was still winter. They didn't quite understand how it could still be winter if Christmas was over. Ha!! It's gonna be a LOOOOOOOOOOON five months to Memorial Day...


Anonymous said...

yep...should take up your mother-in-law's policy..take the tree down when it is drooping so badly the ornaments are laying on the floor.

Grma Pennie said...

Hang On Maddox!!!! Don't let go of that Christmas Spirit!!!!! HoHoHo