Saturday, January 29, 2011

sun brings sanity know you're in Oklahoma when the 7-day forecast has a high of 76 on it and only a few days later shows a high of 24!!!! The weathermen are telling us that "Blizzard 2011" is on it's way for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week but this weekend the highs are 76 and 72!!!! What!?!? Seems crazy in January but we'll take it! Don't get me wrong, I'm a winter girl all the way! I love the snow, winter clothes, coats, scarves, building snowmen and of course snuggling on the sofa in my slippers with a hot cup of coffee looking out the window at six inch snow drifts!! I'm in heaven just thinking about it!! (Some of you right now think I'm crazy but I've always loved winter!) When you have two energetic little boys though you quickly come to appreciate the sunshine and warm, outdoor weather!! All it takes is one long day stuck inside a 1000 square foot house with a six and four year old boy and you are praying for a good spring day!! Ha!! So, needless to say, the boys and I have been outside as much as possible the past couple days getting our energy out before the snow hits! We'll definitely be outside in the snow too building snowmen, making snow angels and hopefully sledding but it's just not the same as riding bikes and playing tag. I'll be saoking up all the winter I can this coming week but for now I'm enjoying my sanity... ;)


Grma Pennie said...

You need to come visit me.......

Erika said...

Hey! Don't make fun! We take what we can get...

Teresa said...

Erika, we got all our snow in November...We have had very little since...Your MOM is hogging it all..!!!! hehehehe

Erika said...

I know! She needs to share! We just want to sled ONE DAY!!!!