Monday, February 14, 2011

balloon debacle

The boys and I looooooove Chick-Fil-A!!!! We go there probably way too often but it's just so good, the employees are oh so nice and, of course, they have a playzone! I think we've been there so often, in fact, that the employees are getting to know us! Ha! (Should I have just admitted that...??? Oh well!!) On our last visit, just as we had received our meal a Chick-Fil-A employee came by our table handing out balloons. Of course, the boys were super excited and quickly picked what color of balloon they wanted! While it was nice and all and I let my kids accept the balloons I just wanna say a huge thank you to Chick-Fil-A for passing out balloons BEFORE a meal!! Of course, I'm mostly kidding, but it sure does make it extremely hard to get your little boys to actually eat once they have something as fun as a balloon in their hands. And not just any old balloon, but a helium balloon! I spent my lunch begging the kids to eat and corraling fly away balloons. I think I had to get up at least four times to fetch balloons before they strayed too far for us to reach them. Sigh. Anyway, genuinely thank you Chick-Fil-A for being so kind and for giving away balloons but maybe next time offer them as we're walking out the door!! :)

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