Sunday, February 27, 2011

chocolate is a man's best friend

On our latest trip to Wal-Mart, Maddox asked while we were checking out if he could choose a candy bar. I told him yes and he chose a plain ol' classic Hershey bar! When we got to the car I loaded the car with our groceries and, of course, gave Maddox his candy. BEFORE WE EVEN GOT OUT OF OUR PARKING SPACE, Maddox had devoured half his chocolate bar!!!! When I turned around to make sure he was buckled in Maddox was shoving chocolate into his mouth Willy Wonka style!!!! Needless to say, Maddox had chocolate everywhere! On his hands, all over his face and, in true boy style, wiping chocolatey fingers all over his shirt! What can I say...he must take after his mama, he LOVES chocolate!!!!

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