Sunday, February 27, 2011

hockey shocker

Friday night, while Gramma Pennie was visiting, we treated the boys to their very first hockey game!! Along with Gramma; Aunt Rae, Uncle Casey and Elia also came along. We had gotten tickets to the game through a promotional sale at Ashtyn's school. I have to admit that before we left for the game us grown-ups were all but taking bets on how long the kids would last before we had to come back home. We didn't have too much faith. Now, in our defense, I have to say that the kids had had a very long day! We played hard and had little down time! So considering the hockey game didn't start until 7:00PM we just didn't think it would be long before the break downs began. Thankfully, however, we were wrong!! The kids did GREAT!! Sure we stuffed them full of popcorn and cotton candy and at times even let them play games on our phones but we made it through the entire game!! And to top it off Oklahoma City won!!!! Go Barons!!!! After the game, the stadium was giving away youth hockey sticks to the first 2000 kids under 12 and we were in that group! So we made our way to another very long line to get the kids their hockey sticks. Luckily, the line moved very quickly and before we knew it we were headed back to the car, hockey sticks in hand!!

We had a great time at the game and honestly I'd really like to go back!! I'm even more excited now, though, because I think our kids may finally be ready to go to a Thunder basketball game!! Brandon and I have been wanting to take them but were afraid we'd pay for it and then they would make it through the first quarter. But after this hockey game I think we'll have to give it a shot!!

1 comment:

Grma Pennie said...

I was so pleased that they actually Liked hockey! They didnt sound very enthusiastic about the game until the players hit the ice. YEA!