Sunday, February 6, 2011

jolly happy soul

It's so rare for us to have snow that actually sticks around for more then a day so the boys have been wanting to play in the snow as much as possible! When all of this snow fell at the beginning of the week it was pretty dry and didn't stick well enough to actually build anything. But after a day of warmer temps the snow was much wetter and we were able to build our very own Frosty! So proud! Friday afternoon it actually snowed some more here! We got another half inch or so and there's even more snow in our forecast for this week! No complaints from me! I love it! Now if only I can find a store with a loaf of bread on the shelves! Ha! When the weatherman uses words like "blizzard" and "arctic temps" people in Oklahoma tend to fear the worst and shop like it's the end of the world! Literally, at Wal-Mart this week there was NO eggs, NO bread, NO yogurt, NO frozen pizzas, NO sugar and dwindling everything else! Hopefully they'll restock in time for me to stock my own kitchen!!

1 comment:

Grma Pennie said...

let it snow...let it snow...let it snow