Friday, February 4, 2011

popcorn harvest

Two nights ago, we had popcorn for a bedtime snack! The boys were sitting in their room watching a movie while they ate and I was doing some much needed tidying around the house. I stepped into the boys room to check on them and collect their dishes when Ashtyn looked at me with a sly look and said "Wanna know what I did?" Now, if Maddox asked that question I'd be nervous but when Ash says it I truly am intrigued! I asked him "what" and he opened his hand to show me a handful of popcorn seeds. Ash raised his eyebrows in excitement as if I should know why he would be holding every popcorn seed from his bowl. I mimicked his look of excitement and then asked him "what he was going to do with them?" He looked at me as if I should already know (duh mom!) and then said "I saved all these popcorn seeds so that we can plant them in our garden and grow popcorn!!!!!!" He was so excited that I didn't have the heart to tell him that's not quite how it works. So, now the seeds sit in a glass on our kitchen counter and come spring I'm sure we'll be planting them in our garden hoping to see fluffy white popcorn spring up at any moment!! This should be fun!! Keep your fingers crossed for a miracle...


Unknown said...

Erika, they grow popcorn here in Ponca at the big V Ranch. You probably can order some popcorn seed and plant those instead. I'm sure the boys would love to see a few stalks of corn growing in your backyard.

Anonymous said...

you either have to order popcorn seed or I have to pray really hard that those seeds grow....noni

Grma Pennie said...

It should work!
If you plant Skittles then packages of Skittles grow underground like carrots and potatoes.
Didnt u know that already?