Thursday, February 24, 2011


Maddox is definitely our child that every time you turn around you just have no idea what you're going to find him doing. He's one of those "act before you think" kind of people and combined with the fact that he's ALL BOY sometimes that can get him into trouble. Other times, though, it just makes for a really good hard laugh!!! Last weekend, I was cleaning out some closets and found the box sets to some DVD's. The DVD's themselves are in a case with our other movies, these were just empty cases and boxes. So, I set them aside and kept working. Moments later, as I walked down the hall I found Maddox walking out of my room with the boxes on his feet!!!! He had taken all of the empty DVD cases out of them and slipped them on like robot shoes!! Ha!!!! What can I say, he has an imagination!! At first, he didn't want me to take his picture. I think he was a bit embarrased that he had been "caught" but I finally convinced him!! Seriously, what am I gonna do with this kid...???

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