Tuesday, October 4, 2011

clear the calendar!!

This weekend was one of those rare weekends in our house where we had nothing on the schedule besides hanging out as a family and catching up on things at home!! I love these kind of weekends!! You can be as lazy as you want or as active as you want!! It's awesome!! We did a little bit of both. We started the day slowly with pancakes and bacon (and coffee for mom!!!!) together on the back deck. Our afternoons have been still pretty warm here in Oklahoma but the mornings are absolutely beautiful!! With temps in the 60's and the sun shining there couldn't have been a better morning to eat together outside.

After breakfast, the boys played a game of oversized tic-tac-toe on the lawn where the pool used to be set up!! We already took down the pool for the winter and so all that remains is a giant square of sand which has now become the boys favorite place to play!! Ha!! We have a really cool sandbox sitting only feet away but, no, instead the boys drag all their toys into this giant sand pit and play for hours. Recently, they have started playing tic-tac-toe in the pit. They use sticks, or whatever they can find, and play game after game!!

It was a nice, relaxing morning with my family outside!! I think between now and Christmas we may not have a single Saturday with nothing on the calendar so we had to soak up every free moment of this one. I am, however, sort of ready for the craziness of the holiday season!! I love this time of year!! I'm gonna need more coffee...!!!

1 comment:

Grma Pennie said...

Maybe you should buy some stock in Starbucks!!!