Sunday, October 16, 2011

GASP! a good book

Before the boys started all day school this year, I would take them to library story time during the day! Obviously, though, since the school year has started we haven't been able to go. It's one of the things that I miss the most. This month, I was excited to find out that our library was offering an evening story and craft time centered around a Halloween theme!! I signed up the boys!! We were all very excited!! Story time started with just that...a story. Actually, it was more like four or five stories!! The teacher read a variety of Halloween stories about everything from pumpkins to trick-or-treating and, of course, monsters!! The boys LOVED every minute of it!! In fact, I had to remind Ashtyn a couple of times to stay sitting on his bottom and not yell out answers too loudly!! He gets SO excited about books and every single time the page turns he "GASPS!!" really loud!! Ha!! Then he'll get up on his knees so that he can get a better look but unfortunately then the kids behind him cannot see. I'm just glad he has so much fun reading!!

After reading our stories, the library teachers had prepared a skeleton craft for each of the kids to complete. They had used white paper plates and cut different "bone" shapes out of them and then punched holes where the joints would connect. We then used yarn to connect all the bones together creating a wiggly, wobbly disjointed skeleton for the boys to take home!!

The boys were beyond proud of their art work and I was proud of them for having so much fun and working hard on their craft!! The skeletons are now hanging in the boys' room.

Before we left for home, the teacher offered each of the kids a yummy cookie as an evening snack!! We were SO very happy with our evening story time. I wish the library would host these more often!!

1 comment:

Grma Pennie said...

I love the skeleton idea! Wish we had time to do that at school...