Thursday, April 17, 2014

little things

There are moments in life that aren't planned. Moments that you don't see coming and moments that you don't even realize the significance of until they are gone. These moments, I am embarrassed to admit, do not happen often enough in my life. I am an extremely scheduled person. I am detail oriented and don't like surprises. I get a high off being prepared (yes, a high!) and there's almost nothing I'd rather do than make lists and plan things all day every day! It's what I do for a living and it can't help but carry over into my world as a mommy and wife. I sleep better at night knowing what my schedule holds for the next day and knowing that my clothes are already ironed and laid out for me when I wake up. Right or wrong, it's me! Every once in awhile though a moment surprises me. I'm not one to make a rash decision or suddenly decide we should load up in the car and drive out of state. I've come to terms with the fact that most likely that will NEVER be me! No, my surprise moments are less exciting but no less sweet. One evening, as I was watching a Thunder game, Ash came into the living room while he was supposed to be getting ready for bed and said "Look what I can do!" he proceeded to jump into the air, picking his legs up behind him and practically suspending himself in mid air! He begged me to take pictures and so, of course, I did. Like I said, compared to most this impromptu moment seems more like every day life...and that's okay! But for me AND ASH this was pure excitement! We were out of our evening routines (Ash is just like me...), we were laughing, we were joking, we were taking pictures over and over trying to get a good shot that wasn't blurry! It was fun! It may have been fleeting but it was pure joy! I forgot about this minute in time until recently when I was looking through pictures on my phone and found rows and rows of both good and horribly blurry pics of Ash jumping all over the living room. Instantly, seeing those pictures, I was back living in that day. Reliving that moment! I could hear our laughter and I could feel my heart bursting with the memory we made that night. When Ash and I reach the end of our lives we probably won't be able to fill journal pages with stories of sneaking out of our parent's house at night, impromptu weekend vacations or heaven forbid even breaking the rules and sneaking into a sporting event or movie showing! Sigh. BUT...we will have a slideshow of moments that make us smile. The older I get I realize that that will be enough. And I'm thankful.

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