Wednesday, May 21, 2014

skinny pants

Easter Sunday is here! The boys are decked out in their "matching" outfits and we are ready to go to church! The last couple of years I haven't been able to get away with identical matching outfits for the boys but they are always similar. I just can't help it! This year I stepped out on a limb and bought the boys skinny jeans. (Or skinny pants if you ask Brandon...) Once I had the boys try on their new Easter pants I probably should have reconsidered my decision but I forced the mantra "beauty is pain" and made them wear them anyway. Ash actually wasn't in any pain. His "skinny pants" were actually too big. Not too big in number, they were his size, but his Brandon-build-body is so skinny that he just couldn't fill them out. Maddox on the other hand has someone else's build (Mmmhmm) and his skinny jeans were just that...skinny! I guess until someone decides to make HUSKY skinny jeans I won't be buying anymore of these for Maddox. Easter morning, after Maddox was all dressed he sat down to put on his shoes and literally couldn't bend over far enough to get his shoes to his feet! Oops! I was secretly laughing on the inside but felt bad for him too. This experience is one he definitely gets from his mama. Ugh. I assisted Maddox in putting on his shoes and even when he complained that his "pants were hurting him" I just smiled and said "Time to go to church!" Needless to say Maddox hasn't worn these pants since... 

At our house, the Easter Bunny visits while we are at morning Easter church services and hides the eggs the boys colored the day before. He also leaves candies and toys for the boys to find when they come home!

Despite Maddox having the imprint of his pants button molded into his belly for hours after we got home from church we had an awesome Easter! We might have to consider sweat pants for next's only fair.

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