Wednesday, September 3, 2014

pick me! pick me!

We take full advantage of the fun and FREE things our public library offers every summer. There are classes, workshops, performances and you can earn prizes for filling up your reading log too. On this day, Ashtyn went to a geology tween class (and even got to take home a rock!) while Maddox and I read books and waited for him. Maddox always has to be more "enticed" (okay...bribed...) to read for any length of time but he's getting better. If he's reading a magazine or comic he'll actually sit and read for quite some time! Progress!

Then we attended the Weather School class in the conference room. At any show or workshop we go to Maddox always EAGERLY raises his hand (jumps up and down, screams "ooh! ooh! pick me! pick me!, wiggles in his seat...) when the presenter asks for a volunteer...and THIS was Maddox's lucky day! He was chosen as a volunteer! The weatherman chose Maddox and another boy to demonstrate how a storm tracking radar works. Maddox played the part of the radar. He had to stand on one end of the room and spin in slow circles while the other boy (the storm) moved slowly toward him. It was a cool visual aid but we were more excited that Maddox got to participate than anything else!

Not that we needed an excuse to get ice cream but once we left the library we used Maddox's new found volunteer fame as a reason to celebrate and get ice cream! Congrats Maddox!

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