Since my sister and her family moved to Texas we don't get to see them very often. But one weekend this fall when my sis and her husband had to go to a conference they asked us to watch Elia and Noah, my niece and nephew! Of course we said YES! I was excited but a little nervous. Going from two kids (who are pretty self sufficient these days) to four kids (one a girl and the other a toddler) was going to be a bit overwhelming. Fun for sure but overwhelming nonetheless. As soon as Elia and Noah arrived we hit the ground running! First up, we built tents in the house and watched cartoons!
After evening bath time we discovered that neither Elia or Noah had packed PJ's so we scrounged through our closets and found something that would fit. Noah wore one of Maddox's t-shirts and Elia wore one of Uncle B's! It worked!
Whatcha doing Noah? I'm playing with Uncle B!
With four kids in a teeny tiny house I figured my best strategy for staying sane was to stay as busy (and as out of the house) as possible. On our first full day together we had lunch at Chick-fil-A and then went shopping!
During lunch the kids, of course, wanted to play on the indoor playground. I'm used to sending my 8 and 10 year old into the playground (an 8 and 10 year old who go in and stay in...) but I wasn't ready for an almost 3-year-old who can escape the enclosed playground area, back into the restaurant, and run laps around other people's tables like a wild man! Ha! This kid is hands down the fastest 2 year old on the planet! Not even Maddox could keep up with our little escape artist!
My favorite quote of the weekend was when Noah cuddled up in my bed and said "I wike you bed! Is boootiful!" His little voice melts my heart.
Elia and I ended the day by escaping the icky boys and getting a pedicure! We invited Auntie Kaisha to join us and pampered ourselves silly. To be honest, we didn't want to go back home!
Noah doesn't always drink bath water...but when he does he wants it with extra bubbles!
Our last day together we had big plans! Cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then a day at the zoo!
Noah liked his cinnamon roll but decided he'd rather have a cookie for breakfast instead. What's an auntie to do!? YOU try to say no to that face!
Thankfully Uncle B was able to take the day off to help me corral all these kiddos at the zoo. We really had a blast!
Life would be more fun if I could live in the same city as BOTH my sisters and their families but for now these weekends together will have to do. The visits aren't long enough but we cram in as much fun as we can and make countless memories. Oh and we take a lot of pictures too! A LOT!!!!
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