Thursday, August 27, 2009

she sprung a leak!

This past weekend Brandon and I discussed when we would take down the pool. Today, however, my "favorite babysitter" took it upon herself to deflate. When the boys and I got home from the grocery store today I caught a glimpse of the ol' gal out of the corner of my eye as I walked past the kitchen window and I noticed a sad sight. The pool had lost a TON of water and wasn't even knee deep anymore! Upon further inspection I found that a fountain sized leak had sprung from one of the hoses on the pump! UH OH! I unplugged the pump so that the leak would slow down but it looks like we will be taking the pool down tonight versus after Labor Day weekend. I will miss you my free and daily babysitter! I look forward to next summer when we shall meet again!


Grma Pennie said...

When a friend is a true friend, they can be physically absent but still near to your heart ... then when you see each other again, it's like you've never been apart. You just pick up where you left off. I have a feeling that this will the be the case with "Pooly". (get it ... not Pauly but Pooly ... yes, another dumb joke, my specialty)

Tiffany said...

awwwww no more jelly fish. Next year she shall return!