Sunday, January 2, 2011

ski fever

Our second day in Colorado we went skiing!! Well, "we" isn't exactly true. In the middle of the night Sunday night, I woke up not only unable to breath but also very very sick. I spent the night rushing to the bathroom unable to keep anything down. It was miserable. When we woke up Monday morning I wasn't sure if I even felt like going to the ski resort but I couldn't let the boys go to their very first ski lessons without seeing it and without, of course, taking some pictures. After I got up and around I thought maybe I could do some skiing but by the time we got to the resort I just wasn't feeling good. I was shaky and weak and still hadn't kept anything down so I decided to spend my day watching the boys in their lesson and sitting in the lodge sipping gatorade. It may not have been skiing but I still had fun! Brandon, on the other hand, was anxious to ski but decided to do a couple of runs down the bunny hill before riding the lift to the top just to make sure he was going to come back down in one piece! (I was happy with his decision! Ha!)
We checked the boys into their all day ski lessons (which I was kind of nervous about...) and they trotted off with their instructor with no problem! The lady at check-in promised them hot chocolate at break time so I think that helped coax them into class.

The boys were in the same instruction class and their teacher was very nice and worked well with all the kids. She taught them the basics of skiing. They spent time with only one ski on scooting around the instruction area and then before you even knew it the boys had both skiis on and were gliding down the kiddie slope!! I was so proud of them!!

Each group of kids wore matching colored vests and each vest had a handle on the back of it. At first, I couldn't figure out why there would be a handle on my kids vest but the more I watched these little ones try to learn to ski I quickly figured out the whole handle thing. Each time a kiddo would fall the ski instructor would simply reach down, grab the vest handle and pull the kid back up onto their skiis!! What a great idea!!!!!!!!!

After lunch, I walked back over and watched a bit more of the boys lessons. This time, they let the boys class try out the next (bigger) hill!!!! Both boys did great but it was just too funny to watch them try and ski down this hill. The instructor would let the kids ride the magic carpet to the top of the slope and then basically just let them GOOOOOOOO!!!! Ha!! Ash did great! He was able to glide down and stayed on his feet. The instructor helped Maddox, though, all the way down the slope holding his hand.

Here you can get a better idea of how the boys did! I was very impressed with how quickly they picked up everything! When we rented their ski gear the man at the rental shop said that they were the perfect age because they didn't have any fear yet and he was right! They went for it!!!

The only thing I wish would have been different on our second day in Colorado was that I wish I hadn't been sick but we still made tons of memories and the boys, obviously, had a blast!! By late afternoon, when the boys got out of lessons everyone was exhausted (everyone but the kids that is! ha!) and so we headed back to the cabin for more yummy dinner. We weren't sure yet of our plans for our third and final day in Colorado but one thing we did know for sure was that skiing wears you out and elevation makes you sick...oh, and that our boys love to ski!!!!

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