Thursday, February 3, 2011

bring it!!!!

Yesterday, the boys were off school AGAIN and daddy was home again too!! They all bundled up and went back outside but with straight temps below 20 degrees and wind chills nearing 0 at the "hottest" part of the day it was a quick trip out and they hurried right back in! They did have time, though, to explore the front yard, make snow angels and instead of building a snow man they carved a snow sofa out of the snow! Ha!! I was so proud!! Maddox told me today that this weekend they want to go back out and build a snow bed and snow TV!! Ha!! I think they want to live out there!! I'm sure they would if they could!! Charlie also enjoyed the snow! He has spent more time inside the past week then he has in his whole life (he loves the outdoors!) and sometimes during the day I have found him just sitting at the back door looking outside like "Where did my yard go...???" I know he'll be excited to see grass again but he was pretty curious and excited to figure out what all this white stuff was!!

I think total we got about 12.5" of snow!! The crazy part is (and so unlike Oklahoma...) that the snow is still all here three days after the storm! So often in Oklahoma we'll have snow one day and the next day it'll be 50 degrees melting everything away. Not this time, though!! Our temps have been in the mid teens and low twenties which keeps the snow piles intact!! Wooohooo!! THIS is winter!! I think the temps will get above freezing on Saturday so we may lose some of our snow mounds but there's another chance of snow next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!! This girl ain't complaining!! Bring it on!! The boys' school was cancelled again today (Thursday) and they were already scheduled to be out of school on Friday for a professional day, which means they haven't been to school a single day this week! Crazy! It's not going to be fun to make up all these days but they sure are fun in the moment!

1 comment:

Grma Pennie said...

Lovin that snow!!!!!!!