Tuesday, February 1, 2011

snow much fun

The weathermen warned us about ApocoBlizzard 2011 and while some of us were skeptical about whether or not it would actually happen we did in fact wake up to alot of snow! And it was STILL SNOWING!!!! It's hard to believe that we were at the zoo (coat free!) on Saturday and now we're unable to get out of our own driveway! Crazy! I'm not complaining, though! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the snow!!!! If I had it my way it would be like this all winter every winter!! I was pumped to know that we had the whole day as a family! Kids home from school, B home from work, a wii to play, movies to watch and a whole lot of nothing to do!!!!

Oops! Looks like the seal on our screen door may need some work! When we opened the front door there was a little wall of snow between our front door and our screen door! Kinda cool!

Poor Brandon...

We spent most of the day inside. Charlie and I watched some TV...
Finally, by mid afternoon the snow stopped and the sun tried to peak through. The sun was deceiving, though, because the temps were still in the teens and with the wind chill who even knows what it felt like out there! It was FREEZING!! But the boys were eager to get outside and so we bundled up and braved the blizzard! It was fun but we only lasted about 20 minutes...

Ummm...Yes! Maddox is licking the snow!

After playing in the snow, we made snow ice cream and enjoyed a sweet treat! The boys LOVED it! Ash even asked for seconds! You KNOW it HAD to be good!!

At about 1:30 this afternoon we got a call from the Mustang Public Schools that school is cancelled again for tomorrow. And then later in the afternoon we got a message from our church that services are cancelled tomorrow evening as well! Looks like we're settling in for another snow day at home! Today we played Wii, watched a movie, played in the snow and baked so I'm not sure what will be on the schedule for tomorrow. Probably more movies and maybe some reading! Fun Fun Fun!!!!

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