Thursday, February 24, 2011


For Valentine's Day this year, I found the perfect gift for the boys!! Both Ash and Maddox had been eyeing these Bakugan pajamas at Target all winter long but I kept telling them "NO!" I mean, seriously, have you seen the cost of PJ's lately!?!? For little boys pajamas it can cost you $16 bucks and no one ever sees them but us! Ha! Not to mention the fact that Maddox usually ends up stripped down to his pull up by the time he falls asleep anyway!! Well, on a trip to Target a few weeks ago I noticed that these exact pajamas were on clearance and, whadya know, they had a pair in each of the boys' sizes! So I snatched them up and hid them away in my closet for Valentine's Day! Of course, when it came time I also bought tons of candy and piled it into their gift bags as well!! Mmmmm!! That's as much for me as it is for them!! :)

Brandon was a good husband this year and got me something I could really enjoy! He knows me oh so well! Instead of flowers or a box of chocolates (which I had already bought one of for myself anyway and devoured them with my friend Jill on a shopping trip around town...) B brought home a sack of all my favorite goodies! I think I ate the Milanos in one sitting...

The best part of Valentine's Day, though???? Love notes from my boys!! I love that teachers help the kids make cards and gifts for their mom's on Valentine's Day!! This hugging card from Maddox made my day this year! It's still hanging on the fridge!!

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