Monday, February 14, 2011

you underestimate my sneakiness

I'm just gonna come right out and say it...Maddox tries his best, at every moment of every single day to get away with saying as many bad words as many times as he possibly can. Now, when I say "bad words" I don't mean cuss words, or anything like that. Luckily, at this age, a "bad word" is something like "butt" or "stupid". Regardless, though, Maddox isn't supposed to say these words, he knows it and yet he tries to say them as often as possible. He's quite sneaky about it too. Everytime he hears one of these words on TV he comes to tattle to me about it thus having to tell me what word it was he heard. He has also figured out that the word "butt" can be found in other, longer words that ARE alright to say. Like "headbutt" for instance. Maddox will say "headbutt" over and over thinking he is sneaky and getting away with something. Once, I'm not even kidding, I even caught Maddox hiding in his closet saying all of the words that he's not allowed to say. Yep! There he was, tucked into the back of his closet, behind his hanging clothes whispering naughty words. All I can do is shake my head in disbelief. Who's kid is this??????? Anyway, most recently, Maddox found a new way to get around the "no bad word rule". I took Maddox with me to Wal-Mart, while Ash was at school, to do some grocery shopping. During our runs up and down the isles Maddix kept saying "Mom listen..." and then he would make this grinding noise in the back of his throat. I don't know if you know how to make this noise, but it's where you keep your mouth closed and make this growl-ish sound in your throat. Apparently, Maddox figured out how to do this and so kept doing it over and over and over all around Wal-Mart. Well...once we reached the check-out Maddox was still showing off his new throat noise skills when all of a sudden he blurted out, "Hey mom! Know what sound I'm making?" I fell right into the trap, "What?" He grinned his little sly grin and answered "I'm saying bad words with the noises in my neck..." He burst out laughing. Oh good grief. I laughed nervously hoping the check-out-lady didn't suddenly think I was a horrible mother. I bent down and whispered to Maddox that it's never OK to say bad words but inside I'll admit I was laughing. Maddox never ceases to think of, say or do things that make you go...HUH!?!? He's so so so awnry!!

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