Monday, February 14, 2011

i like chocolate milk

This week, little Grayson had his second surgery to remove as much of his tumors as they could. Thankfully the news of his surgery was good and Gray recovered quickly! On Friday, I took the boys up to the hospital to visit him after school! We took Gray some pretty cool gifts too! When I first spoke with Gray after his surgery he kept asking for chocolate milk over and over again. The poor boy was only allowed clear fluids and ice chips and so couldn't have any chocolate milk but when I left that day I promised Gray that when I came back I would bring him chocolate milk! Instead of just chocolate milk, though, the boys and I went to Wal-Mart and picked out a variety of "milk" and "cow" themed gifts. We took him everything from a farm animal puzzle, to a stuffed cow and a six pack of chocolate milk! It was fun making up a gift bag for little Gray and even more fun taking it to him! We even found a tiny t-shirt that said "I Like Chocolate Milk"! We were happy to find Gray in really good spirits Friday afternoon. He was smiling and laughing and eating one sucker after another! He's such a sweetie! Gray was actually released from the hospital on Saturday to finish his recovery at home before he begins his sixth round of chemo later this week. I love this little man and while the road ahead of him is still very long it helps lift my spirits when I see him doing so well! Gray has truly taught me more over the last six months then I could have ever imagined possible. Gray is more then just a cause, he is OH SO WORTH IT!!!!

Learn more about Gray and his fight against Stage 4 Neuroblastoma at

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