Thursday, July 11, 2013

can't get enough of you

My baby sister, her husband Kevin and their baby son James all traveled to Oklahoma to participate in this year's Camp Cousin! Before Camp Cousin started though they stayed at our house for a few days and I got to enjoy my youngest nephew and soak up as much James-time as I could before I had to share him with his other auntie! Hehe! James is the absolute cutest baby of all time! He has big eyes, droopy cheeks, wispy blonde hair, fat rolls on his legs and a smile that literally lights up the room! And we get to see that smile a lot because James smiles ALL THE TIME! He's such a happy baby! I can't lie, I seriously considered kidnapping him and keeping him at my house forever and ever but I figured that at some point his mommy and daddy would notice and come looking for him. It may be worth a try though!

1 comment:

K.Groves said...

He loves you too!!!!!