Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Almost exactly one year to the date since he began therapy for his Food Aversion Disorder, Ashtyn graduated!!!! We were so happy, excited, elated, thankful, overwhelmed and on and on and on. There aren't enough adjectives in the world to describe how I felt on our last day in therapy. Take all the emotions of motherhood, multiply them times a million and mix in every good thing that has ever happened in your life and I STILL felt happier on this day! Ashtyn's therapist's name is Jenny. She is wonderful! She has changed our lives! Food Aversion Disorder is something I had never heard of until a year ago. We knew Ash had some "unique" qualities about him, especially when it came to eating, but we never could have imagined where this journey would take us. Ashtyn's therapy included coping skills for anxiety and A LOT of trying new foods. Jenny gave Ashtyn tools to use for the rest of his life.

We are by no means at the end of this path. In fact, this will most likely be a life long journey for Ash. But we feel equipped and prepared and as ready as we can be to continue Ashtyn's therapy at home and help him make even more progress. We are still in contact with Jenny and she has assured me that if things don't go well she will gladly take Ashtyn back, but as much as we miss seeing Jenny every week we hope it doesn't come to that. Ash has continued to make progress at home and meal time has been transformed for us. When I think back to one year ago, and every year of Ashtyn's life before that, I remember a stressful and tear filled dinner table. One where Ash refused to sit with the rest of the family, we had to eat with the back door open to minimize the smells that caused Ashtyn to gag and most often ended up letting Ash eat somewhere else just to have a peaceful meal. Today, though, we are all sitting together! Ash is making the decision to try more and more of what the rest of the family is eating. He doesn't always like it but the mantra of Food Aversion therapy is "that's okay." Not liking something is no big deal. Just never eat it again! No harm done.

I knew when we put Ash in therapy that he would receive help, but through Ashtyn's therapy I have also been changed. There is a definite weight off my shoulders and cooking for my family has become fun again! I love sitting down with my family over good food and talking about our days and most of all laughing together! Jenny helped Ashtyn but ultimately she gave us back mealtime. She gave us back laughter and joy. We could never thank her enough.

1 comment:

Papaw said...
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