Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Today, the boys made a haunted gingerbread house!! I didn't even know they sold these but one of Brandon's aunts gave it to the boys as a gift. It came as a complete kit with the gingerbread portion of the house already assembled and frosting and different candies to decorate with!! Even though at first the boys were disappointed they had to "share" they ended up having alot of fun and created quite the spooky huanted house!! Now, the boys want to eat it. I'm wondering how good it could possibly taste but I promised them tomorrow they could try it!!


Grma Pennie said...

Almost everyday I look at this blog and see pictures of the boys I see suttle differences ... they are growing up WAY too fast!
Right Noni?

Grma Pennie said...

Almost everyday I look at this blog and see pictures of the boys I see suttle differences ... they are growing up WAY too fast!
Right Noni?