Sunday, January 23, 2011

rock-a-bye baby

Some weekdays, Maddox still takes a nap in the afternoon while Ash is at school. I love the days that he does. Not only because the house is quiet if even only for a half hour and not only because I can actually watch a show on TV or read a few chapters in my book uninterrupted but also because when he's sleeping Maddox still looks like a baby. I imagine myself looking at him sound asleep in his crib, his pouty lips so still and his hands curled into little fists. Oh and his blanky! He still CAN'T sleep without his blanky! I hope he secretly carries it with him to college someday! I refuse to let him grow up...

1 comment:

Grma Pennie said...

Spoken like a true mom!
And I remember when you brought Brandon home for the first time to meet us ... my first thought was "So this is my replacement". It's hard to let go....