Friday, January 14, 2011

stick em up!!

The boys and I have been "goin' it alone" this week. Brandon left with his family on Tuesday for a trip to Mississippi. Unfortunately, it wasn't a family-fun visit. Brandon's grandmother passed away Monday night and so he was traveling to attend the funeral. The boys and I stayed behind so that the boys wouldn't miss school. We've had a good week and Brandon has been out of town enough with his job that I've gotten pretty used to the whole single mom routine but no matter how used to it I get I'm still always just as eager for Brandon to come back home. You don't realize how much you use those extra pair of hands everyday until you don't have them! Today, our need to have daddy around increased when Ashtyn started feeling sick...AGAIN! Ash was the first one in our family to get this horrible flu/cold thing just after Christmas, then I got it, Maddox was next and finally Brandon has been sick this week. Well now it looks like Ash may be getting it again. Grrrrrrrr. This has to STOP!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Ashtyn's cough and low grade fever is just allergies or something else and not another achy, high fever, nasty flu. We just don't have time for it. So...I've said all that to say that Brandon is out of town, I'm a single mom today, Ashtyn is sick and Maddox is NOT!! Maddox was his healthy, full of energy, all boy, four year old self today which always makes for a couple great laughs but also makes me wish I had like 10 hands! That kid keeps it moving from the moment he wakes up until the moment he crashes at night...

I was going to try and let the boys wait up for daddy tonight (they miss him very much) but once I found out that Brandon wouldn't be home until after midnight and considering I've been on my own for 4 days I decided to be a bit selfish and put them to bed at a normal time so that I could finish the laundry and watch some TV...oh yea, and blog too!! Ha!! Before bedtime, though, the boys and I took a funny pic to send to daddy. Right before Brandon left on Tuesday his laptop had to be dropped off at the Mac Store for some repairs. Brandon's friend, Doug, picked it up for him today and dropped it off at our house so that it'll be ready and waiting when Brandon gets home. I have this on-going joke with Brandon that his laptop is his "mistress" and so the boys and I staged a hostage situation to try and force Brandon to get home sooner!! Ha!! We sent him this picture accompanied with the message "Get home soon or the laptop gets it..." HeHeHe!!!! We are all looking forward to waking up to daddy in the morning!!

1 comment:

Grma Pennie said...

That is so awesome! I can tell that Ashtyn thinks it's hillarious. Maddox is into it! I love you boys! Did the plan work? Did Daddy come home?