Thursday, February 24, 2011

Knight Family OCD

If I had to define my last name, "Knight", I would say that it means "can't sit still..." Ya see, anyone and everyone in Brandon's family, all who have the last name Knight, seem to have been plagued with the innability to just sit and be. We constantly have another project lined up, a to-do list a mile long and just when we think we're finished we go to Lowe's and realize that there's one more thing we can do to our homes! Of course, that "one more thing" turns into five more which turns into ten more and before you know it your to-do list is a mile long yet again!! It's a curse but it's also a blessing! You definitely can't say that any member of the Knight family lacks creativity or motivation, that's for sure! Well, last weekend, after a few days of beautiful spring-like weather I couldn't help but begin to tackle my spring cleaning list that I've been adding to all winter long. One of the major things on my list?? Closing in the coat closet in the living room and expanding our bedroom closet. We don't really use the coat closet and who couldn't use more room in their master closet!? Right? So, I cleaned out the coat closet and then broke the news to Brandon! Surprise! Today is the day! I was so excited!!!!
I did a bit of demolition on the closet wall and then turned it over to the pro. I swear, it felt like I made a much bigger hole then it looks in this picutre! Ha!!

We broke through!!!!

Next up, closing in the hole left by the former closet door. I see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

By the time Brandon got the old doorway sheetrocked in, taped and mudded it was very late so we made this our stopping point. Now, unfortunately, we are living in a construction zone on hold. This week is very busy with visiting family and just plain ol' life so we'll have to finish this project next weekend. Maybe we can sneak in a couple evenings of work during the week, though! Now, the hard part...I have to decide how I want the new master bedroom closet laid out. It's a tough choice. I'm sure whatever we go with it'll be awesome! I can't wait to show you the finished product!


Anonymous said...

ah...the good old days when there was enough energy to actually attempt the to do list1!!! looks great so far...bub, you know you love it! hehe ..don't forget the molding.

Tamra said...

You crack me up, I seriously need you to bring your focused energy over to our new house and work your magic! You amaze me with your creativity! Chris would stroke if he came home to a hole in the wall! HA!

Tiffany said...

I love the pic where Brandon is giving 'The Look Of No Return'