Monday, October 17, 2011

boys will be men, men will be boys

If you're a mom of girls...THE FOLLOWING MAY OFFEND YOU!!!! But, if you're the mom of boys (or maybe even if you simply have a husband...!!!) you will totally be able to relate and will probably even find yourself laughing so hard that iced tea shoots right out of your nose!!!! Last night, when I checked on the boys before going to bed myself I found Maddox laying in his bed like this. Yep! That's right! He's grabbing his crotch IN HIS SLEEP!!!! Wow!!!! Ha!!!! This is the SECOND time that I've discovered Maddox sleeping while keeping a firm grip on the family jewels. Once, I found him napping on the sofa with his hand tucked inside his underwear and now this!! Good grief!! Why must men be men from birth!?!?


Grma Pennie said...

And to think that God made them that way!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiffany said...

This has to go in his wedding slide tee hee hee