Sunday, October 16, 2011

sprinkle of tinkle

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the bathroom trash can the other day. Sure it's overflowing and sure it's full of wadded up toilet paper but it's not until you know WHY it's like that that this picture becomes so funny! I guess I shouldn't complain, but Brandon has been teaching the boys that when they "miss" the toilet while going potty they should use a piece of toilet paper to wipe up their "mess" before they leave the bathroom. The boys have both been doing pretty good at following this new rule but the other day when I went into the bathroom after Maddox had finished and I saw this sight I knew exactly what had happened! Ha! Apparently, Maddox had went to the bathroom and "missed" just a little bit, so he did what his daddy told him to do and used some toilet paper to clean it up. I guess Brandon should have specified, though, what a "piece of toilet paper" meant because Maddox literally unrolled an entire half roll of toilet paper to wipe up a little "sprinkle of tinkle" and then threw the entire wad of paper into the tiny trash can! Hahahaha!! Oh Maddox!! Like I said, I shouldn't complain, because at least he didn't leave his "mess" for someone else to clean up but next time we'll have to show him what an appropriate amount of paper is for cleaning up such a tiny mess...!!!

1 comment:

Grma Pennie said...

He reasoning probably went something like this ... "If I use a little bit of paper then it might get on my hands and then I will have to wash my hands again..."