Friday, November 23, 2012

a card for a card

Both of our boys are into Pokemon cards. They LOVE them! Ashtyn's collection is the biggest but they both have so many that they each have a binder with special card protector pages that they are filling up! They save up their own money to buy cards AND, of course, ask for cards at Christmas and their birthdays. Their collections are definitely growing! Lately, they have gotten into trading their Pokemon cards. I think they were introduced to this by their friend Seth and they...are...ADDICTED! They trade constantly! They trade with Seth, of course, and what's even more funny is they trade with each other. Now, that wouldn't be too funny if they only did it once...but you can find them on almost any given day trading their Pokemon cards with each other back and forth, back and forth! Ha! I'm sure they've even traded each others cards BACK to each other at some point! But long as they are having fun and playing nice together that's fine by me!

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