Wednesday, December 19, 2012

smarty pants

Ash is little mister smarty pants and he's constantly creating, inventing, sketching and building. He has sketches for inventions he will one day create that clean the house for me, build toys he wants for free and anything and everything in between! Recently, Ash got out his science kit and began building and creating, his larger than life imagination at work. One of the many things he came up with was a contraption that I had no idea what to do with. When I asked Ash what his invention was he said it wasn't really an invention but was instead his interpretation of a "scissor tail bird". Hmmm. Look closely now and you and you can see that his bird has a body, long stick-like wings and, of course, LITERAL scissors for a tail! Ha! Not only is he the smartest member of our family but he's also got a great sense of humor!

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