Thursday, January 10, 2013

brotherly love

Ash recently brought home a stack of worksheets he had done in class and tucked among them I found this adorable note he had written to his best friend, Seth. Seth is 4 years older than Ash but, like they say, age is only a number! Seth and Ashtyn have so much fun together and just seem to "get" each other. Seth is most definitely the big brother Ash will never have. I think I might have to have this note framed, it's so sweet. It reads...

Dear Seth,
Thank you for the Pokemon cards after my birthday. I looked at all of them. They were asum and thanks for the cool card. Your trasing was cool to.
Your Frend,
P.S. Your the bestist frend ever.

Ash has such a tender heart and is so good at expressing his feelings. I hope that's a quality he holds onto his entire life.

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