Friday, January 25, 2013

sing your heart out

Don't be afraid...or maybe you SHOULD be afraid...but on Christmas morning my niece, Elia, got a new Hello Kitty Karaoke Machine! She was too shy to try it out in front of the whole family BUUUUT Maddox, Grampa Mike and Brandon were more than happy to get up and perform for everyone! Maddox wouldn't totally let loose and play air guitar like he does in his room at home but he definitely wanted everyone to see his singing skills (and applaud for him of course...). He's such a little performer! Grampa Mike did a tune and then Brandon couldn't resist putting on a little show of his own. Good grief! Can we say someone is following in his daddy's footsteps!?!? Oh! And I find it even more hilarious that all the MEN in the family were singing karaoke on a HELLO KITTY machine! Ha!

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