Tuesday, January 8, 2013

skate party

My sweet niece, Elia, turned 6 this year!!!! Her party was being held at the local roller skating rink and I was honored when my sister asked me to make the party cake! Elia wanted a roller skate themed cake and she even gave me a picture that she wanted me to model the cake after! Whew! It was a tall order...but for Elia, I will try just about anything. There were some things that didn't turn out the way I wanted them to but overall I was happy with Elia's birthday cake! Happy Birthday sweet girl!!!!

Elia's party was so much fun! Ash had recently gotten way better at skating through a gym class at school and so was excited to show off his skills. Maddox was a bit more nervous but they both did awesome!


The happy birthday girl in her skates! I can't believe she's turning 6!

Robin helped Maddox skate most of the time. THANK YOU SO MUCH Robin for your help! Maddox loved skating with her and did much better with her help than he would have with mine. Maddox's main issue is that he doesn't want to "learn" to do anything. He just wants to be able to do any and every thing the first time out and do it perfectly. He doesn't believe me when I tell him that EVERYONE is bad at skating the first time...

with some practice (and the tightening of his skate wheels...), though, Maddox got the hang of it and even got in the limbo line!

Eventually, we all made our way into the party room and the kids had pizza and cake while Elia opened her presents. What a fun party!

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