Tuesday, January 8, 2013

the gift of giving

On Sunday, December 9th the boys performed in the children's Christmas program at our church. This year's program was about a group of elementary school students who went to the mall to find their teacher the perfect Christmas gift. As the children shopped they stumbled upon a gift shop with an employee who helped them discover that the perfect gift isn't always a tangible gift. She helped them discover what really matters during the Christmas season and in the end it turned out that the store employee was their teacher's wife! The story came full circle and we all learned some important lessons. We also got to see a lot of adorable kids perform at their best while all the moms and dads caught every moment on camera...me included! Rae, Elia and Noah drove down for the program and so did Tyler, April and Natalie. We were so happy to have family visiting and the boys were excited for them to see all their hard work put into action.

Both of our boys did SO good! They were members of the choir and did a great job of memorizing the songs and actions they had to perform. It's always so much fun to watch them get into it!



The boys' cousin, Natalie, really enjoyed the music! She was showing off her moves for most of the program! Too cute!



In addition to being in the choir, Maddox also played the part of Joseph in the nativity scene. He was so proud of his part and did a wonderful job!


After the program, Elia walked to the stage with me and posed with the boys for some pictures in their program tees. Those are some good lookin' kiddos!

Natalie looked adorable in her pink and faux fur outfit!


This was the first year that both of our boys were in the "big kids" program. We didn't have anyone in the preschool program. While I was excited that my boys were in the same show it was also sad to realize that they aren't babies anymore. They are growing way too fast and the years are going by faster and faster and faster. I wish I could make it stop. I guess I'll just keep taking a million pictures and try to hang onto as many memories as possible.  Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

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