Thursday, April 17, 2014


For the last few days of spring break we drove to my sister's new home in Wylie, Texas! Her and my brother in law just moved a few weeks ago and took a new youth pastor position at a church there. Although we were very sad to lose them to Texas they still aren't that far away from us. We will just have to plan more trips to Texas! 

We didn't make a ton of busy plans for our visit we just wanted to relax and hang out and that is exactly what we did! Elia and I played board games. She kept choosing the most hilarious cards for me that she could find. Hence the "smelly skunk" card I am wearing on my head in this picture...she got an especially loud laugh out of that one!

We spent a LOT of time at the park too! There is this amazing park right behind Rae and Casey's new apartment. It has a separate area for preschoolers and everything!


One of our favorite things to do when we get together is pop popcorn and play scrabble! Ash is old enough now to get in on the fun and he's really good! The games still last a bit too long for him and he usually wants to bail before the end of the game but this time he made it all the way to the end! And I'm pretty sure he came in second! (With a little help from mom...)

We couldn't decide what to do on our last day in Texas. We looked up more museums than I could count but in the end decided on seeing the new Muppet Movie at the theater literally across the street from the apartment! It was such a cute movie and the popcorn was super yummy!

The morning we had to leave to go home Noah and I spent some quality time together. He calls guitars "Near-Nears" because of the sound they make when they are played! So cute! I couldn't resist taking some video of the personal concert he performed for me in his pull up! Using a golf club as a guitar! Which shortly after this video was made he swung into the big screen TV...luckily the TV survived.

Noah also got in on some train building with big cousin Ashtyn before we hit the road. Ash had fun until Noah decided to "attack" the train track and then we had to banish Noah to playing with the other train set by himself because Ashtyn's OCD couldn't handle the constant undoing of his perfect circular track.

So far it doesn't really feel like my sister is any further away than she already was but I know that is only because school is still in session and we don't see each other that often during the school year anyway. Once summer hits, though, and we can't call each other and make last minute plans to meet at the science museum or make a day trip for some cousin play time I know the distance will be more of a reality. I see many weekend visits in our future and I'm so excited to start planning them already!

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