Thursday, April 17, 2014

do not climb on the rocks

(In the picture above, Ashtyn is EXTREMELY worried and refusing to fully sit on the rock because there is a sign just outside of picture range that says "Do Not Climb On The Rocks" and so he was very stressed about us asking them to sit on the rock for a picture. Poor Ash! He's such a rule follower!)

Tuesday of spring break was reserved for nothing but video games from the moment the boys woke up to the moment they went back to bed! I remember when my boys were babies and toddlers WISHING and hoping and praying for JUST ONE DAY where both boys would sit and play by themselves or together (I wasn't too picky...) so that I could steal away for a moment to myself. Now, though, with a 7 and 9 year old boy under my roof they want to do NOTHING BUT play by themselves! They are happy playing video games or reading or riding bikes together and now I'm on the outside looking in begging them to let me join! Ha! My how the tables have turned! I'm not complaining, believe me, but this is taking some getting used to! I have already made a deal with the boys that this summer I will schedule in one full day each week where they can just be lazy, play video games for hours on end and even stay in their PJ's if they want! But the other days are mine! We are going to have fun! We will go to museums and go to the library and go swimming and WE. WILL. HAVE. FUN!!!! Like it or not! Ha!

So, after a day of lazy fun for the boys (and pure boredom for mom...) we had plans on Wednesday to meet Auntie April and cousin Natalie at the zoo! It was the absolute busiest we have ever seen the zoo in person but we were still able to see a ton of animals in just a few short hours! We don't get to see April and Natalie NEARLY often enough. We seriously have to set up as many visits as possible for the summer. If April and I had had babies at the same time we would get together way more often but with my boys in school and her daughter (and one on the way!) at home our schedules don't match up very often. So this day was much anticipated and we were extremely excited! We went to the children's zoo and petted the goats, took as many group pictures as we could and ate a picnic lunch. The weather was beautiful and despite the crowds we had a wonderful visit! We love our family so much!

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