Wednesday, May 21, 2014

my boring life

If there's a running theme in my life (and a topic people probably get super tired of me writing about...) it's my obsessive ORDER! My life is far too predictable but that's the way I like it. There are times when God takes me out of my routine to teach me a lesson or grow me as a person and I endure those times with whatever level of joy I can muster but let me just reiterate that those times are challenging and by far NOT my favorite! To say the least! Sigh. Other times, though, my days are thrust into unplanned chaos not because the Lord is trying to teach me an important lesson or because a life changing opportunity has come up and I am using my mommy super powers to change the world but instead because my phone rings and a friend asks a simple favor. Can you stop by and help me move a piece of furniture? Can you pick something up for me at the store? Do you mind picking up my son from school? A couple of weeks ago my friend Jill called asking that very question. We always love having Seth over! He is such a good kid and my boys love him like a big brother. Seth plays with my boys. He teaches them new games and plays along when they come up with games that make no sense at all. He pretends like he can't find them during hide and seek. He was born to be a big brother! My heart literally melts when I overhear Seth passing on "big brother truths" to my boys like the time he told them to close their eyes when Cat Woman comes on the screen because her "outfit is too tight" and the other time I overheard him explaining to my boys that "there comes a time in your life when you have to fall in love with Jesus for yourself and not just because your mom and dad tell you to..." Seriously! Can you believe this kid!? The day Jill called and asked us to pick up Seth and watch him for the evening I had plans to cook dinner, do homework with the boys and put the boys to bed at a reasonable hour. The normal routine. My comfort zone. But once Seth was over we decided to make an evening of it and took the boys to Freddy's for dinner and then to Target to look at video games. It was unexpected (and pretty wild for my world!) but it was yet another spontaneous evening that made new and wonderful memories. Every time we have one of these nights I tell myself that I'm going to be MORE spontaneous but that never happens. I love my boring, routine life way too much! But that's okay, it makes the rare (and I do mean RARE!) spontaneous moments that much sweeter.

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