Thursday, July 17, 2014

here fishy fishy

So, on one of our weekly visits to camp to play with Seth Brandon came with us. While I chatted with friends in the office Brandon trotted along with the boys while they fished and played. (Okay, he was more like dragged along but whatever...) When the boys arrived back at the office late in the afternoon Brandon showed me this picture on his phone of the fish that Ash caught! I shrieked with excitement and gave Ash a high five! I honestly couldn't believe the size of the fish and was so proud. Now...while my pride in no way decreased I was very surprised when Brandon informed me that only through the magic of photography and trick angles did this fishy look big at all. In reality, from what they tell me, this little guy was only about 2 inches long!!!! Ha! Like I said, I was just as proud of Ash for his catch but I definitely won't blame Ash if he wants to show this picture off and never once bring up how small the fish actually was. Let people assume what they will and soak in the compliments...that's what I say!

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