I know my boys are growing up, believe me I do, but I still have these moments (flashes almost) where the reality of how fast they are actually growing smacks me up side the head! As a mom, I don't particularly like those moments but I guess they come with the territory. The worst "reality smacks" are the unexpected ones and this summer I had a BIG one! The day that Ash was scheduled to have his braces taken off seemed, on the calendar, like it would be just like any other day. We would get ready in the morning, go to the orthodontist, have Ash's braces taken off, have his retainer put in, learn how to take care of the retainer of course and then head back home to do some fun per-scheduled summer activity! Reality had much more devious plans. I don't know if reality is a boy or a girl but I'm going with girl because she's sneaky and stabs you in the back!
The hygienist removed Ashtyn's braces, cleaned his teeth and fit his retainer. All was well and good, for now. The orthodontist came by and checked Ashtyn's teeth. Again, all was well and good. Then, before we could leave, the hygienist had to take some pictures of Ashtyn's teeth. Even then I felt well and good. Once the pictures were done, though, and Ash looked up at me and flashed me a bright white (and straight!) braces free smile...BOOOOOOM!!!!! Reality couldn't have hit any harder! Reality must have gotten dumped by her boyfriend that day because she was particularly mean to me! I tried to contain my feelings so that Ash wouldn't have to roll his eyes and sigh heavily about me getting emotional over his braces removal but it was hard. We got in the van and drove home me crying silent tears, Ash beaming from ear to ear slurring his words of joy as he tried to talk with his new retainer.
I, of course, lamented to Brandon over how rude reality was that day. He never understood. I don't think he ever will. Dad's just don't get emotional over this sort of thing. But I guess someone has to and that someone is me! So, because it is my cross to bear I will continue asking my boys to stop growing up and tease them at every birthday that this year we are going to start counting their age backwards instead of forwards and they will continue to look at me like I'm crazy and say in their best pre-teen agitated voice "Mooooom!!" That's life as a mom...if only we could figure out a way to hurt realities feelings so that she wouldn't bother us anymore. How bout this, if you stop being her friend I will too! It's worth a try...
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